Tag Archives: Melaleuca

Take the Itis Out of Sinusitis?

I got to play Dr. Mom to my own mother recently who had a very bad bout of sinusitis. I gave her a simple steam inhalation that was quite strong, but the result was very effective with severe symptoms subsiding within the following 10 hours. Here’s what to do:

  • Boil water and pour into a large bowl.
  • Add Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) sprig leaves or oil, and Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil.
  • Position your head over the bowl and encase with a large towel.
  • Breathe the steam for 10-15 minutes.
  • Keep tissues close by, as you will need them.

The steam will help open blocked airways, while delivering the anti-microbial agents to the bugs partying in your sinuses. Speaking of partying, my dad suggested following Crocodile Dundee’s recipe that adds cocaine to the water –  do not do this.