Ear Infection Tea?

Certain herbs can help take the edge off an ear infection. The following herbs can be combined in a tea to help relieve and heal this painful condition:

  • Chamomile
    • Actions: antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory (reduces pain), vulnerary (encourages healing), calms the nervous system
  • Echinacea
    • Actions: antimicrobial, enhances immune function, anti-inflammatory, anti-catarrhal (loosens mucus – think eustachian tube), vulnerary
  • Marshmallow
    • Actions: demulcent (protects mucosal tissues and helps thin thickened mucus), anti-inflammatory, expectorant
  • Slippery Elm
    • Actions: demulcent, astringent, anti-inflammatory, nutritive
  • Sambucus (Black Elder)
    • Actions: expectorant, diaphoretic (enhances sweating – aids fever), vulnerary, anti-catarrhal

Do not consume if allergic to Asteraceae (Asters) or Chrysanthemum family herbs/plants.

Consult your naturopathic doctor or registered herbalist to see if this tea is indicated for you.


Perfume/Odor Sensitivity?

Taurine is an amino acid that works to remove toxic chemicals and metabolites from the body through the phase II liver detoxification pathway. Vitamin B6 is a necessary cofactor the body uses to produce taurine. B6 and taurine levels tend to be low in individuals sensitive to perfume, which usually contain aldehydes that deplete B6 and taurine. If you suffer from a perfume/odour sensitivity, you may want to consider supplementing vitamin B6 and taurine. Also be aware of certain drugs that lower vitamin B6 such as oral contraceptives, amphetamines, chlorpromazine, isoniazid and reserpine. Consult your naturopathic doctor if you think you may benefit from taking taurine and vitamin B6.

Other signs of possible vitamin B6 deficiency: dry cracks in the corners of the mouth (cheilosis), inflammation of the tongue, eczema, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and confusion.

Flashburn (AKA: Welder’s Eye Burn)?

I remember my father having to pause, annoyed, as he rested his eyes from a sudden incident of “welder’s flashburn.” This is like a sunburn to the eye, the more serious burns resulting in pain and redness. A proper assessment by your doctor is highly recommended for this event; however, few will actually go. To preserve your vision for your senior years, here are 4 practical treatments that offer relief and effective recovery for an eye flashburn/sunburn:

  1. Raw potato poultice – shred potato, clump it together and apply to closed eye(s)
  2. Vitamin A oil drops – apply to open eye(s)
  3. Cold pack – apply to closed eye(s) for 10 minutes
  4. Euphrasia 30Ch homeopathic – take as per label

FYI: potatoes can stain purple or black.

Consult your ND or MD as to whether any of the above remedies are right for you.

ADD/ADHD/Autism Protocol?

There are general guidelines for treating ADD / ADHD / Autism regardless of age. The following 5 bullets are essential:

  • Eliminate gluten
  • Eliminate dairy
  • Eliminate all dyes or food coloring
  • Eliminate refined sugar or as much as possible
  • Eliminate all artificial sweeteners, additives, and processed foods

In medicine, what can cure can cause, and what can cause can cure. Therefore, one or two small sips of coffee (a stimulant) can help mellow an overactive mind and improve concentration (can also cure a headache).


  • Fish oil – must have a minimum EPA:DHA ratio of 2:1
  • Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium and spore forms recommended)
    • Mycelium – targets cognition (helps balance communication and information processing; helps balance over-stimulated neurological conditions)
    • Spores – the extra-strength version of the mushroom (promotes detoxification; strong anti-inflammatory (i.e. brain inflammation) and acts synergistically with mycelium)
    • Recommended brand (USDA certified organic) can be ordered here:

Any condition that falls within autism-spectrum disorder is likely under a heavy toxic burden (heavy metals, glyphosate, etc.). It is advised to work with an ND or MD who is experienced with chelation and the removal of chemical toxins. The following ways will help reduce a toxic burden:

  • Infrared sauna (SaunaRay brand is free of toxic glues/chemicals released with heat)
  • Exercise that promotes sweat.
  • Cilantro (helps eliminate heavy metals).
  • Spirulina (helps eliminate arsenic).
  • Increase organic non-starchy vegetables (promotes elimination/ detoxification).
  • Castor oil liver (enhances detoxification) and belly rubs (enhances elimination) – use organic castor oil in a dark glass bottle (fats store toxins (i.e. plastic bottle) and light damages oils (i.e. clear bottle)).
  • Coconut oil + fiber (causes bad cholesterol to bind to fiber which is eliminated via feces; cholesterol contains toxins the body needs to eliminate).
  • Increase water intake to promote elimination (General: women = 2L/day; men = 3L/day).
  • Drink only reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water or use a Berkey water filter with added fluoride and arsenic filters. You must remineralize RO or distilled water before drinking (use mineral drops (e.g. Concentrace) or add a tea ball (cold water extraction) high in minerals (e.g. stinging nettle or a tea grown from volcanic soil), otherwise your body will leach minerals from your bones to re-mineralize the water.


  • 1-5 minutes a day of deep breathing (recommended app: Stop, Breathe, Think) to promote relaxation and relieve any underlying anxiety
  • Ensure adequate daily protein intake to stabilize blood sugar (0.8-1g per kg of lean body weight)
  • Switch from simple carbohydrates to complex carbohydrates (slows down the conversion of sugar to glucose) to maintain a more stable state of energy. Google simple and complex carbohydrates for a complete list.
  • Be aware of EMF. Keep your cell phone away from you and turn it off at night. Turn off all wireless signals at night or even better – only use cables for internet connectivity.

Be sure to consult your ND or MD as to whether any of the above suggestions are right for you.

Shingles Alert!

Maybe it’s just me, but shingles seems to be on the rise. Like any other herpes virus (e.g. cold sores) it may be helpful to supplement with the amino acid lysine to decrease the duration, while avoiding the amino acid arginine (arginine can worsen or prolong the outbreak). Foods high in arginine are turkey, pork, chicken, soy, dairy, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, and peas. Talk to your ND to see if this is the right choice for you.

Lice Patrol??

Natural head lice remedy:

  1. 10 drops of Tea Tree oil
  2. 5 drops of Lavender oil
  3. Mix the oils into hair conditioner and let sit in hair for 30 minutes before rinsing out.

Check with your ND first to ensure whether this is the best treatment remedy for your hair infestation :)

The Elderly’s Most Important Dietary Nutrient?

Protein is the single most important nutrient for aging well. A lack of protein = a susceptibility for musculoskeletal injury (e.g. a broken hip) AND cognitive dysfunction (e.g. dementia). The thing to remember is older populations have less ability to absorb nutrients  than younger populations. Therefore, eating frequent, small amounts of protein daily rather than large amounts of protein once or twice a day is ideal to offset this nutrient absorption limitation. As a general measure, you can calculate your daily protein requirement (grams) by multiplying your body weight (kilograms) by 0.8 (e.g. 70kg x 0.8 = 56g of protein minimum per day).

Vitamin B12 for Shingles??

Learned this when one when a school elder treated my colleague for her early outbreak of shingles. Vitamin B12 injections around the rash site (“Surround the Dragon” in Chinese Medicine terms) had the rash gone within the next couple days. If you think you have shingles – go see your Naturopathic Doctor!

Vitamin C for High Cholesterol?

Indeed, vitamin C is a cofactor for 7-alpha-hydroxylase – the enzyme required for the first committing step in bile formation. Cholesterol has to bind to bile in order for it to be excreted in the feces. No vitamin C means no bile, which means no cholesterol excreted. Talk to your ND for more information on vitamin C and your own health.

Cranberry Juice Can Be Harmful?

Cranberry juice is a common treatment option for urinary tract infections (UTIs). However, in the case of a UTI due to E. coli, cranberry juice might not be the best form of treatment. E. coli bacteria prefer an acidic environment to thrive on, and cranberry juice is acidic.  What you can do is pee on some pH paper to determine the acidity of your urine in the case of having a UTI. If your pH is neutral (7) or basic (>7), you can rest assure you will not add fuel to the fire by drinking cranberry juice (in this case it would be helpful).

Contraceptive Pills Can Lead Women To Choose Wrong Partners???

If health issues won’t sway you away from the use of chemical contraceptives, perhaps the following link will (it’s a pretty good summary):


Smell ya later.

Olive Oil for Ear Wax???

One simple ingredient can often prevent an invasive ear lavage to purge your  impacted ear wax – olive oil. Put 2-3 drops in each ear daily and cover gently with a cotton ball for 15 minutes. After one or two weeks, this daily routine should leave your ears squeaky clean! Consult your ND first if you are prone to ear infections, and avoid this procedure if you are feeling ill at the time.

Emergency Homeopathics (Bee Stings, Peanuts, etc)???

Got a bee sting? Try Apis (30C or 200C (200C is a little bit stronger than 30C)). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

Got a peanut reaction (synthetic/chemical)? Try Carbolic Acid (30C or 200C). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

If anaphylaxis is the issue, try either Poumon-Histamine or Gentiana lutea (200C) AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!! You may find that you do not need treatment once you get there, but don’t take the risk – homeopathy may not be for everyone.


CoQ10 With My Statin Drug?

Any cell that uses a lot of energy (has a lot of mitochondria) requires Co-Enzyme Q10 (AKA: ubiquinone). What cells use a lot of energy? Heart cells! (because they beat). Therefore, proper functioning of the heart requires a lot of CoQ10. Statin drugs block the production of C0Q10. Why? Because CoQ10 comes from a cholesterol pathway that statin drugs target. Not enough CoQ10 = bad news for the heart. So if you are taking a statin, you may want to consider also taking CoQ10… talk to your ND about CoQ10, CoQ10, CoQ10.

Prescription Food: Breast Milk??

If it looks like your baby is coming down with an eye infection, yes a little breast milk in the eye can be the remedy. Why? Breast milk contains IgA – a 1st line defense immunoglobulin, which is an antibody that identifies and kills bugs (i.e. bacteria and viruses).

Acne Removal Service In My Backyard?

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is plant found to grow in a lot of places, possibly even your own backyard. It has been given a bad wrap for being banned in some countries due to its pyrrolizidine alkaloid content. This is unfortunate, and to quote my teacher, “You would have to drink about a bathtub of comfrey tea every day for months or a year to experience its toxic effects.” People should remember, herbs are not drugs.

So, now that you’ve been warned, here is a comfrey paste to apply to acne infected skin:

  • Pick comfrey leaves (take only as much as you need)
  • Boil for 3-5 minutes
  • Food process the boiled leaves into a paste
  • Apply to the affected area (once the paste is no longer hot)
  • Leave for 20-30min before washing off

As always, it is best to speak with your ND to see this is the right treatment for you. Also, an ND can prescribe an herbal tincture or tea to enhance the efficacy of the comfrey paste.

Fat Free is Bad for High Cholesterol??

Some doc’s put their high cholesterol patients on fat (cholesterol) free diets. If you are one of these people, then you may want to have a conversation with your doctor for some clarity. Here’s why:

Carbohydrates (sugar) get broken down into Acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA is the first building block for cholesterol synthesis. The step by step process for cholesterol synthesis is: Acetyl-CoA -> HMG-CoA -> Mevalonate -> Squalene -> Cholesterol. Therefore, a reduction in one’s consumption of simple carbohydrates is essential.

Furthermore, cholesterol is eliminated from the body via bile, and bile is comprised of steroids that come from cholesterol. Consuming fats (cholesterol) causes the gallbladder to contract and release bile, which binds bad cholesterol for elimination in the feces. In a nutshell, if you’re not eating any fats, you’re not eliminating bad cholesterol. And if you’re consuming lots of carbs, then you’re making matters worse.

Talk to your ND for dietary solutions if you have high cholesterol :)

Get My Iron From a Pan?

For vegetarians and vegans who have a hard time getting iron into their diet, consider this:

Take an iron skillet and simmer up a tasty tomato sauce. The tomatoes contain Vitamin C, which is acidic, and will thus leach iron from the pan and into the sauce.

FYI: Increasing ones iron is a slow process that often takes months to accomplish.

Herpes Food?

Herpetic outbreaks (i.e. coldsores, genital herpes) can be influenced by one’s dietary intake of two amino acids – lysine and arginine. Lysine is known to reduce outbreaks (a good thing), while arginine is known to exacerbate them (a bad thing). Below is a list of foods high in each amino acid (in no particular order):


  • Lysine powder (your best option)
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Egg white
  • Game meat (elk, deer, etc)
  • Whole dry milk
  • Most cheeses (e.g. cottage (dry or low fat), ricotta, cheddar, mozzarella, edam; Dutch gouda and unprocessed swiss are the highest)
  • Apricots (dried)
  • Carob


  • Sesame
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Nuts
  • Shell fish
  • Gelatin
  • Seaweed
  • Pea protein powder

Use Latex to Kill a Plantar Wart?

Plantar warts on the hands and feet can be remedied by the daily application of Milkweed (Asclepias). Break off a leaf starting from the base of the plant (pick your leaves from the base and work up the stem each day), and milk out the liquid (latex) from the stem portion of the detached leaf. Apply the latex directly to the plantar wart at least once daily and let dry. Consult your ND or herbalist if you are considering this treatment.

An Herb for New Worrying Moms (Who Can’t Sleep)?

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a commonly prescribed herb for new mothers whose heart jumps every time their baby stirs. It calms their physiology so their nerves are no longer on overdrive (great for cardiac arrhythmias of this nature). Consult an ND to find if this is a suitable remedy for you.

Kill a Coldsore Before it Erupts?

I’ve heard good things about oil of oregano being applied at the first onset of the “pre-coldsore tingle.” For many, no will eruption occur if the oil is applied immediately to the tingling area. One or two drops should do, and you may have to repeat a few more times. A B complex vitamin has also been known to stop the eruption when taken at the first time of the first tingle.

Antitussive Prescription Food: Honey

When it comes to coughing, honey is just as or more effective than over-the-counter medications.

Do not give honey to children under 2 years of age.

Prevention For Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia has been linked to mothers having low phosphatidylcholine levels during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, consult your N.D. about your phosphatidylcholine levels.

Prescription Food for Erectile Dysfunction?

To ensure I get some patients when I enter practice, I can’t be giving away all my trade secrets on this blog (especially on this issue). But here are a few simple things you can do to help put a little wood back into the engine that could. Before business time (AKA: sexual intercourse), drink pomegranate juice, celery juice (requires a juicer), and eat some dark chocolate (90%). Do NOT blend the celery in a blender (instead of juicing) or you will probably end up with gas… the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.


Nausea & Ginger?

Ginger root (Zingiber officinale) – The tried, tested, and true nausea remedy that is completely safe for pregnant women. Best served in a tea (in my opinion).

Drink up.

Cold Sore Homeopathic?

Nat mur (Natrum muriaticum) is one of the most common homeopathic remedies prescribed for cold sores.  Try a low potency to start (30CH), or better yet – seek the advice of your ND.

Hey Doc, I’ve got a cold but I want to keep working out at the gym. Can I take anything?

Yes, you can prevent a cold from impacting your performance by taking an amino acid called glutamine. The theory is that it will prevent your body from breaking down skeletal muscle to fuel the fight.

Prescription Food: Coconut Oil?

For people with dementia, coconut oil is a prescription food. Why? Their brain can’t metabolize glucose (fuel) normally. Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride (fat) that can be broken down into keytones – an alternate fuel source for the brain that IS normally metabolized in a person with dementia! Go see your ND regarding proper coconut oil dosage and use.

How To Prevent A Scar?

Applicable for oozing injuries/wounds:

If the wound can be covered by a band-aid, apply organic, unpasteurized honey to the bandage and cover the wound. If the area is large (especially in the case of a burn), apply the honey to a sterile gauze, then cover with a sterile linen, and then wrap in plastic.  Change the bandage twice a day. If you see black dots appearing after a while, don’t freak out, they are most likely hair follicles growing back. This remedy has been successful since ancient Egypt.

Prescription Food: Olive Oil?

From my nutrition class:
In adults, 30g/day (2.2tbsp) of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil will:
  • reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension
  • improve glucose control in people with diabetes
  • lower cholesterol

Never heat your oil. Either drink the 30g/day or add it to your food after cooking. It’s always a good idea to consult your ND beforehand.

Say Goodbye To Sandalwood

Many people don’t know that Sandalwood (Santalum album), is a threatened species that grows in India. It is harvested for its essential oil, and is a favorite among incense users. It is time to save a species and keep Sandalwood out of our homes.

Hey Doc, What Can I Do For My Sore Throat?

Recently I had a mild sore throat that persisted for 21 straight days with no change in intensity. So I tried an herbal throat spray by St. Francis Herb Farm called “Stop it Cold.” I was going to buy another brand that was cheaper until I read the ingredients. I chose the St. Francis brand, as it included a different species of Echinacea – Echinacea angustifolia, which is the powerhouse of Echinaceas. My sore throat was about 60% better in one day, and gone in 48 hours. A noteworthy product.

A quick ADD/ADHD blurb.

From my nutrition class:

  • Fish oil is great for treating ADD/ADHD.
  • Fish oil that is DHA is useless (for ADD/ADHD).
  • Fish oil that is EPA is the good stuff.
  • Select a ratio of EPA:DHA that is at least 2:1.
  • Talk to your ND on proper dosage.


Hey Doc, What’s a Common Homeopathic Remedy for Canker Sores?

Nat mur (Natrum muriaticum) – try a 30CH potency and use as per label.

Take the Itis Out of Sinusitis?

I got to play Dr. Mom to my own mother recently who had a very bad bout of sinusitis. I gave her a simple steam inhalation that was quite strong, but the result was very effective with severe symptoms subsiding within the following 10 hours. Here’s what to do:

  • Boil water and pour into a large bowl.
  • Add Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) sprig leaves or oil, and Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil.
  • Position your head over the bowl and encase with a large towel.
  • Breathe the steam for 10-15 minutes.
  • Keep tissues close by, as you will need them.

The steam will help open blocked airways, while delivering the anti-microbial agents to the bugs partying in your sinuses. Speaking of partying, my dad suggested following Crocodile Dundee’s recipe that adds cocaine to the water –  do not do this.

Nature’s Sore Throat Lozenge?

It ain’t tasty, and it ain’t fun. It’s garlic (Allium sativum)!

Take one small garlic clove. Peel it, cut off the ends, and then pop it in your mouth. Gently crush it with your teeth from time to time. The volatile oils released are very powerful bug killers that will search and destroy the enemies of your oral pharynx (and other places).

May also be used to keep people away when you need some alone time.

Big Shiny Hair

Ho/He Shu Wu (Polygonum multiflorum) is a Chinese herb known to restore hair color, and is named after the herbalist  Mr. He, who used it to maintain his own jet-black hair color well into his seventies. It is one of few Chinese herbs that rebuilds kidney essence, and is considered an adaptogen (stress manager) in the West.

How to Shrink a Hemorrhoid?

Okay, here’s what to do:

  • Brew yourself the strongest batch of black tea you possibly can.
  • Cool it down to a temperature your skin finds comfortable.
  • Immerse a cotton ball or take one of the tea bags and place it directly on the ‘rhoid.
  • Get comfy on your stomach and read a book or watch a movie to pass the time – keep it peaceful- nothing scary like The Hole.

No matter what the size the evil gremlins may be, the natural tannins of the tea will send these little minions back into the dark abyss from whence they came… and put an end to their evil, itch-filled assault on your anus.

High Five!

Rapunzel’s Recipe?

Here’s a topical treatment for hair loss courtesy of my botanical medicine professor:

1-3 drops of Rosemary oil (Rosmarinus officinalis) mixed into 1-2 tsp of almond oil (prevents the rosemary oil from burning, but you may find you do not need to mix).

After bathing, work oil well into the affected area of the scalp.  Rosemary’s essential oil will help stimulate/activate the cells to function properly (produce hair).

Note: if you think you have a pathological condition responsible for your hair loss (i.e. redness, scaliness, flaking, oozing, bleeding) then please seek medical advice either by an ND or an MD before attempting this treatment.

Swish Away Your Canker Sores?

Here’s a recipe for a mouth wash that is pretty much guaranteed to take your canker sores away. You will have to go to a health food store to buy them:

  • 2 tsp Chinese Red Sage (Salvia officinalis var. rubia; leaves are preferred, but the root will also work (found at most Chinese herb stores); any of the other Salvia’s will also work
  • 2 tsp German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

Add the herbs to a mug of hot water and let cool until comfortably warm. Then strain out the herbs (best to use a large tea ball), swish, rinse, and spit out. Repeat daily until you have a happy mouth. The two herbs carry out effective actions that kill bugs, lubricate, calm, and tighten the tissue, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing. It tastes terrible, and it works.


What To Do For A Teething/Possessed Infant?

Boiron, a homeopathic company, makes a remedy called Camilia. A classmate of mine who happens to be a mother of three swears by this remedy, as well as my very own sister who is a mother of two. Dan Conner (Roseanne) also suggests using frozen waffles for the little monsters to gum on, as the waffles are quite pliable and come with built-in drool cups.

The Zit Remedy

Sorry Degrassi fans, it’s not Joey, Wheels, or Snake to the rescue; Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is nature’s real zit remedy. Simply drop Tea Tree oil on a cotton pad and apply to the affected area. You may need to dilute the tea tree into a bit of olive oil if you have sensitive skin. Personally, I have found the Holistica brand to be the strongest Tea tree on the market (as well as the biggest bang for your buck), but Nature’s Harmony and St. Francis run a close second. Most other brands ♫”will take your money and never give up.”♫

Post Surgical Infection

If you are having surgery and would like to take something to help reduce the risk of infection, I strongly recommend consulting a naturopathic physician; they can suggest many things. However, if that is not an option, you can try a standard homeopathic first aid remedy known for treating post surgical infection – Calendula. Try a 30CH potency and use as directed.

Post Injury Sciatica

There is a specific homeopathic first aid remedy for sciatica following injury – Ruta graveolens. The standard practice for first aid potencies in homeopathy are 30ch and 200ch. As always, it is best to first consult a naturopathic or homeopathic doctor to determine whether Ruta is the right choice for you.

First Aid Rescue For Bites & Stings

Got an animal bite, insect bite, or a simple sting? Ledum is the classic homeopathic first aid remedy used to treat such a case. Try a 30CH potency and take as directed or with increased frequency. Obviously seek medical attention if injury is severe or if you are worried about infection.

Feel a Cold or Sore Throat Coming On?

I am a big fan of using tinctures to conquer colds and sore throats, especially at their immediate onset. I tend to use Astragalus tinctures the most, which often include a combination of additional immune botanicals. Aside from that, you can easily find Ban Lan Gen tea at any store that sells Chinese herbs (more powerful if you can get it in tincture). I take these at the slightest sign of a cold or sore throat, or when surrounded by ill schoolmates, and nine times out of ten kicks the bug within a day. If you are already knee-deep into a cold, these will help get over it faster; however, do not expect the same miraculous result . Check out my other posts on warming socks and contrast showers for additional cold tips.

Sleeping Remedies – Watch Out For Hops!

Most sleeping remedies sold in health and grocery stores contain a blend of constituents. One of these constituents is Hops (Humulus lupulus), and yes this is the same Hops found in beer. While this is fine for female use, men should be aware that long-term effects of Hops can include the growth of male breast tissue, as well as a decrease in libido. So if you are a dude who has no desire to grow breasts, and just so happens to enjoy sex, then you may not want to hop to the isle for this sleeping aid (and maybe consider switching to hard liquor).

What 2 Do 4 ADD/ADHD

Earlier this year I attended a seminar on ADD/ADHD, held by a panel of top Ontario naturopaths well-known for treating the disorder. The question was raised, “What are the keystones of treatment?” The answer shared by all panel members was not a treatment, but rather an elimination. “Top two things to do: Completely eliminate gluten and dairy from the diet!”

I will have more posts on this topic as I learn more.

Smoking Tip #2

If you are planning on quitting smoking or any addiction, here’s an aid to help reduce the cravings. Homeopathic remedy: Tabacum. Start with 30CH and if no result then move to a higher potency (2ooCH, 1M, etc.).

If you feel you need more support, acupuncture treatments are also beneficial, and are safe to combine with homeopathy. Furthermore, botanical supplements prescribed by your naturopathic doctor (ND) will  support your body through the withdrawal period. Contact an ND  before booking and ask that all of these modalities will be used, as not all NDs practice Chinese medicine.