Category Archives: Bites & Stings

Emergency Homeopathics (Bee Stings, Peanuts, etc)???

Got a bee sting? Try Apis (30C or 200C (200C is a little bit stronger than 30C)). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

Got a peanut reaction (synthetic/chemical)? Try Carbolic Acid (30C or 200C). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

If anaphylaxis is the issue, try either Poumon-Histamine or Gentiana lutea (200C) AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!! You may find that you do not need treatment once you get there, but don’t take the risk – homeopathy may not be for everyone.


First Aid Rescue For Bites & Stings

Got an animal bite, insect bite, or a simple sting? Ledum is the classic homeopathic first aid remedy used to treat such a case. Try a 30CH potency and take as directed or with increased frequency. Obviously seek medical attention if injury is severe or if you are worried about infection.