Tag Archives: Naturopathic

Lice Patrol??

Natural head lice remedy:

  1. 10 drops of Tea Tree oil
  2. 5 drops of Lavender oil
  3. Mix the oils into hair conditioner and let sit in hair for 30 minutes before rinsing out.

Check with your ND first to ensure whether this is the best treatment remedy for your hair infestation :)

The Elderly’s Most Important Dietary Nutrient?

Protein is the single most important nutrient for aging well. A lack of protein = a susceptibility for musculoskeletal injury (e.g. a broken hip) AND cognitive dysfunction (e.g. dementia). The thing to remember is older populations have less ability to absorb nutrients  than younger populations. Therefore, eating frequent, small amounts of protein daily rather than large amounts of protein once or twice a day is ideal to offset this nutrient absorption limitation. As a general measure, you can calculate your daily protein requirement (grams) by multiplying your body weight (kilograms) by 0.8 (e.g. 70kg x 0.8 = 56g of protein minimum per day).

Emergency Homeopathics (Bee Stings, Peanuts, etc)???

Got a bee sting? Try Apis (30C or 200C (200C is a little bit stronger than 30C)). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

Got a peanut reaction (synthetic/chemical)? Try Carbolic Acid (30C or 200C). AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL if you are worried!

If anaphylaxis is the issue, try either Poumon-Histamine or Gentiana lutea (200C) AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!! You may find that you do not need treatment once you get there, but don’t take the risk – homeopathy may not be for everyone.


CoQ10 With My Statin Drug?

Any cell that uses a lot of energy (has a lot of mitochondria) requires Co-Enzyme Q10 (AKA: ubiquinone). What cells use a lot of energy? Heart cells! (because they beat). Therefore, proper functioning of the heart requires a lot of CoQ10. Statin drugs block the production of C0Q10. Why? Because CoQ10 comes from a cholesterol pathway that statin drugs target. Not enough CoQ10 = bad news for the heart. So if you are taking a statin, you may want to consider also taking CoQ10… talk to your ND about CoQ10, CoQ10, CoQ10.

Use Latex to Kill a Plantar Wart?

Plantar warts on the hands and feet can be remedied by the daily application of Milkweed (Asclepias). Break off a leaf starting from the base of the plant (pick your leaves from the base and work up the stem each day), and milk out the liquid (latex) from the stem portion of the detached leaf. Apply the latex directly to the plantar wart at least once daily and let dry. Consult your ND or herbalist if you are considering this treatment.

Prescription Food for Erectile Dysfunction?

To ensure I get some patients when I enter practice, I can’t be giving away all my trade secrets on this blog (especially on this issue). But here are a few simple things you can do to help put a little wood back into the engine that could. Before business time (AKA: sexual intercourse), drink pomegranate juice, celery juice (requires a juicer), and eat some dark chocolate (90%). Do NOT blend the celery in a blender (instead of juicing) or you will probably end up with gas… the ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.


Feel a Cold or Sore Throat Coming On?

I am a big fan of using tinctures to conquer colds and sore throats, especially at their immediate onset. I tend to use Astragalus tinctures the most, which often include a combination of additional immune botanicals. Aside from that, you can easily find Ban Lan Gen tea at any store that sells Chinese herbs (more powerful if you can get it in tincture). I take these at the slightest sign of a cold or sore throat, or when surrounded by ill schoolmates, and nine times out of ten kicks the bug within a day. If you are already knee-deep into a cold, these will help get over it faster; however, do not expect the same miraculous result . Check out my other posts on warming socks and contrast showers for additional cold tips.

Homeopathic Controversy?

Since 1988, homeopathy has been clouded in controversy. First it was scientifically acknowledged and published, then it was retracted through scandalous means. The following letter came up in class regarding the use of homeopathy during the 1918 flu pandemic that infected over 500 million people worldwide, and killed 50-100 million individuals.

The New England Medical Gazette,
Vol. 53, 1918

To the Editor: I have been so busy fighting ” Spanish Flu ” that I have found time for nothing else for several weeks. I want to tell you my experience with the disease, for I am proud of what homeopathy was able to do out here in this small city in South Dakota. In all, I treated 188 cases of Spanish Influenza. Of the above number I treated 169 cases from the initial fever and 19 cases … [in late] stage … [who] called me only when the disease got the best of them. Of the 169 initial cases I lost not one, neither did I have a relapse…  Of the 19 late cases all but three recovered…. One lived but eight hours after pneumonia set in; one, two days; the third had endocarditis which ended the scene five days after a relapse. To recapitulate: I treated 188 cases and had three deaths. Among these 188 cases I had every variety of ” Flu ” and required a variety of remedies. I commenced every case with Gelsemium and Bryonia, which seemed to rob the case of its tendency toward pneumonia…. In not one case did I find it necessary to use any of the old-school remedies….

Yours truly,  Arthur B. Hawes, M.D.

Bridgewater, South Dakota

Ear Infection? Here’s Onion.

Believe it or not, ear infections are RARELY due to infection, which is why antibiotics do nothing for them. So, what then is the issue? For kids typically under eight years of age, the Eustachian tubes that connect the ear with the throat lay more horizontal than vertical in nature. As a result, fluid that needs to drain through the tube becomes backed up causing serious #$%*!!! ear pain. For adults, ear infections are usually the result of having a cold or allergy that congests the tube causing the fore mentioned profanity. So, what to do?

  1. Grab a medium to large sized onion.
  2. Cut in half (don’t worry about peeling).
  3. Steam for 5-10 min (or microwave for 50 sec). It should be firm (not fully cooked), but soft to touch.
  4. Wrap in clean tea towel so that only 1 towel layer covers sliced area.
  5. Cup ear with onion and hold until pain subsides. Careful, it’s hot!

Ok, so what’s the magic? The moist heat from the onion draws fluid from the ear, and warms up the mucus (onion sulfur compounds may help break up the mucus), therefore making the Eustachian tube easier to drain. Viola!

Secondary Option:I had chronic ear aches as a child, and would be taken to hospital. The MDs would pour cod liver oil in my ear followed by a cotton ball, and prescribe an over-the-counter pain killer. Seemed to help.

Please Cure My Hangover :(

Yeah, we’ve all been there…

Take homeopathic remedy Nux vomica 30CH (use as directed), and haul your drunken ass up off the floor : )

“What can I take for my allergies??”

The question that everyone seems to ask me. My first response is to say, “Go see an ND,” but when pushed further I suggest these options:

  1. Quercetone – known to be effective in treating symptoms.
  2. Neti pot – I have a friend who claims they cured their allergy to grass using one of these.
  3. Himalayan Salt Inhalers – one of the docs I have shadowed in practice loves to prescribe these for clearing heavy metals. Historically, salt has been used to treat and cure a multitude of conditions including both allergies and asthma.

Histamine is the culprit for allergic reactions, and is influenced by a multitude of things (e.g. carbohydrate intolerance). Therefore, allergies can sometimes be a real challenge to treat.

Luis Guzman Has Pretty Feet.

Warming Socks are a historic home remedy for colds, tired feet, and insomnia:

  1. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them in water of room temperature.
  2. Wring out so they do not drip, but remain saturated.
  3. Put socks on.
  4. Put on dry wool socks over top of wet socks.
  5. Go to sleep.
  6. Wake up with toasty feet and feeling better.

To get the joke in the title you would have had to watch a lot of television in 1994.

Take a Contrast Shower To Kick a Cold In the Butt!

Whether you feel a sore throat or cold coming on, or have been fighting one for weeks, try taking contrast showers to boost your immune system. Here’s what to do: shower hot for 3-5 minutes and then switch to 30 seconds cold. Then repeat 5-7 times. The heat will dilate all vessels, sending your immune fighters out closer to the surface. The cold water will then contract vessels and bring the fighters in. This acts as a natural pump causing lots of fighters to be circulated around the body quickly, thus increasing the chance of more specific fighters hitting the target areas. Always finish with cold, but never allow yourself to get a chill. Contrast showers also boost metabolism if you are looking to lose weight,  can help clear the skin, and dump toxins.

Quick tip: cold water is less of a shock to the body if it hits your head first. Each cold repetition will become easier as you go along.

OMG, Cabbage! Quit Blowing My Mind With VeggieTales!!!

Cabbage is great for reducing swelling around areas of:

  • Bursitis
  • Cysts
  • Superficial ulcerations
  • Mastitis

Simply slice off the spine, and remove some leaves. Steam until soft and once cool, gently squish (a rolling pin works well) to break out the juices. Since the leaves naturally fit around the body they can be apply directly to the affected area, and then secured in place by tying a towel. Keep on for at least 20 minutes; more repeats = more benefits.

You Had Me At Potato…

Just like the carrot, a potato can be used as a beneficial poultice. Grate and wrap in a damp tea, paper, or thin towel (or use without wrapping) an apply to affected area for a minimum of 20 minutes (more repeats = more results) in the case of:

  • Sprains
  • Skin and Eye Inflammations
  • Burns (the lesser burn that you don’t go to the emergency room for)
  • Eczema

Caution: potatoes will stain purple or black. Do not apply heat to this poultice.

A Carrot… Really??

Got a skin condition like eczema, or acne? Need to draw out an abscess, cyst, or boil? Simply grate a carrot (the juicier the better), throw it in a damp tea towel or paper towel, and apply to affected area for at least 20 minutes. For optimal results, cover with a hot water bottle or heating device. Repeat as often as possible. Be warned… carrots stain.

Caution: Do not use on an open wound skin condition or one irritated by moisture.

The Wonders of Castor Oil

Three of the many uses for castor oil:

1. Improving Digestion  2. Detoxifying the liver,  3. Reducing pain and inflammation (e.g. joint pain).

Here’s what to do:

Take two strips of organic cotton flannel free of any flame retardants, and place some plastic cut out from an old shopping bag between them. Pour a line of castor oil on one of the strips of flannel and place oil-side onto the liver, gut, or site of pain and inflammation. Use a towel to tie around or hold firm with hands to secure for 20 minutes or longer. For fans of Chinese medicine, the prime time for liver detox is 6-8pm as lymphocytes peak 7 hours after treatment, which is “Liver-Time” in Asian med (1-3am).

The molecular weight of castor oil is 298 Da, which means it can be absorbed topically, as it is less than 500 Da. Enjoy!

Make Giving Birth a Little Easier?

Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) can encourage an easier birth by strengthening contractions and reducing hemorrhage during labor, and is a common parturient (prepares uterus for labor) prescribed by NDs. Consult your local ND on whether raspberry is a good choice for you.

Herbs for Nausea and Vomiting?

Make a tea using one or all three of these herbs:

Ginger, Peppermint, & German Chamomile.

Cautions: ginger can aggravate heartburn and increase the power of anticoagulant drugs. Peppermint and chamomile can also aggravate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Ice Chamomile Tea for Cuts?

Got broken skin, a cut, or a split lip? Place a chamomile tea bag in a mug, add a tablespoon of hot water, and then stick in the freezer for 20-60 minutes. Ring out the bag enough so that the tea bag is not dripping, and then apply to the wound. Chamomile is a natural vulnerary, which means it speeds up healing, and is also an anti-inflammatory which reduces swelling. Drinking chamomile will also help speed up healing and reduce inflammation.

Honey: One of nature’s antimicrobials?

Worried about infection? To kill microscopic bugs, try spreading organic, unpasteurized honey on a wound or eating it to treat a sore throat. It will also help reduce inflammation and will speed up healing.

Do not give honey to a child under 2 years of age.