Tag Archives: sleep

An Herb for New Worrying Moms (Who Can’t Sleep)?

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a commonly prescribed herb for new mothers whose heart jumps every time their baby stirs. It calms their physiology so their nerves are no longer on overdrive (great for cardiac arrhythmias of this nature). Consult an ND to find if this is a suitable remedy for you.

Sleeping Remedies – Watch Out For Hops!

Most sleeping remedies sold in health and grocery stores contain a blend of constituents. One of these constituents is Hops (Humulus lupulus), and yes this is the same Hops found in beer. While this is fine for female use, men should be aware that long-term effects of Hops can include the growth of male breast tissue, as well as a decrease in libido. So if you are a dude who has no desire to grow breasts, and just so happens to enjoy sex, then you may not want to hop to the isle for this sleeping aid (and maybe consider switching to hard liquor).

Luis Guzman Has Pretty Feet.

Warming Socks are a historic home remedy for colds, tired feet, and insomnia:

  1. Take a pair of cotton socks and soak them in water of room temperature.
  2. Wring out so they do not drip, but remain saturated.
  3. Put socks on.
  4. Put on dry wool socks over top of wet socks.
  5. Go to sleep.
  6. Wake up with toasty feet and feeling better.

To get the joke in the title you would have had to watch a lot of television in 1994.