Category Archives: Acne

Acne Removal Service In My Backyard?

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is plant found to grow in a lot of places, possibly even your own backyard. It has been given a bad wrap for being banned in some countries due to its pyrrolizidine alkaloid content. This is unfortunate, and to quote my teacher, “You would have to drink about a bathtub of comfrey tea every day for months or a year to experience its toxic effects.” People should remember, herbs are not drugs.

So, now that you’ve been warned, here is a comfrey paste to apply to acne infected skin:

  • Pick comfrey leaves (take only as much as you need)
  • Boil for 3-5 minutes
  • Food process the boiled leaves into a paste
  • Apply to the affected area (once the paste is no longer hot)
  • Leave for 20-30min before washing off

As always, it is best to speak with your ND to see this is the right treatment for you. Also, an ND can prescribe an herbal tincture or tea to enhance the efficacy of the comfrey paste.

The Zit Remedy

Sorry Degrassi fans, it’s not Joey, Wheels, or Snake to the rescue; Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is nature’s real zit remedy. Simply drop Tea Tree oil on a cotton pad and apply to the affected area. You may need to dilute the tea tree into a bit of olive oil if you have sensitive skin. Personally, I have found the Holistica brand to be the strongest Tea tree on the market (as well as the biggest bang for your buck), but Nature’s Harmony and St. Francis run a close second. Most other brands ♫”will take your money and never give up.”♫

Take a Contrast Shower To Kick a Cold In the Butt!

Whether you feel a sore throat or cold coming on, or have been fighting one for weeks, try taking contrast showers to boost your immune system. Here’s what to do: shower hot for 3-5 minutes and then switch to 30 seconds cold. Then repeat 5-7 times. The heat will dilate all vessels, sending your immune fighters out closer to the surface. The cold water will then contract vessels and bring the fighters in. This acts as a natural pump causing lots of fighters to be circulated around the body quickly, thus increasing the chance of more specific fighters hitting the target areas. Always finish with cold, but never allow yourself to get a chill. Contrast showers also boost metabolism if you are looking to lose weight,  can help clear the skin, and dump toxins.

Quick tip: cold water is less of a shock to the body if it hits your head first. Each cold repetition will become easier as you go along.

A Carrot… Really??

Got a skin condition like eczema, or acne? Need to draw out an abscess, cyst, or boil? Simply grate a carrot (the juicier the better), throw it in a damp tea towel or paper towel, and apply to affected area for at least 20 minutes. For optimal results, cover with a hot water bottle or heating device. Repeat as often as possible. Be warned… carrots stain.

Caution: Do not use on an open wound skin condition or one irritated by moisture.