Tag Archives: energy

ADD/ADHD/Autism Protocol?

There are general guidelines for treating ADD / ADHD / Autism regardless of age. The following 5 bullets are essential:

  • Eliminate gluten
  • Eliminate dairy
  • Eliminate all dyes or food coloring
  • Eliminate refined sugar or as much as possible
  • Eliminate all artificial sweeteners, additives, and processed foods

In medicine, what can cure can cause, and what can cause can cure. Therefore, one or two small sips of coffee (a stimulant) can help mellow an overactive mind and improve concentration (can also cure a headache).


  • Fish oil – must have a minimum EPA:DHA ratio of 2:1
  • Ganoderma lucidum (mycelium and spore forms recommended)
    • Mycelium – targets cognition (helps balance communication and information processing; helps balance over-stimulated neurological conditions)
    • Spores – the extra-strength version of the mushroom (promotes detoxification; strong anti-inflammatory (i.e. brain inflammation) and acts synergistically with mycelium)
    • Recommended brand (USDA certified organic) can be ordered here:

Any condition that falls within autism-spectrum disorder is likely under a heavy toxic burden (heavy metals, glyphosate, etc.). It is advised to work with an ND or MD who is experienced with chelation and the removal of chemical toxins. The following ways will help reduce a toxic burden:

  • Infrared sauna (SaunaRay brand is free of toxic glues/chemicals released with heat)
  • Exercise that promotes sweat.
  • Cilantro (helps eliminate heavy metals).
  • Spirulina (helps eliminate arsenic).
  • Increase organic non-starchy vegetables (promotes elimination/ detoxification).
  • Castor oil liver (enhances detoxification) and belly rubs (enhances elimination) – use organic castor oil in a dark glass bottle (fats store toxins (i.e. plastic bottle) and light damages oils (i.e. clear bottle)).
  • Coconut oil + fiber (causes bad cholesterol to bind to fiber which is eliminated via feces; cholesterol contains toxins the body needs to eliminate).
  • Increase water intake to promote elimination (General: women = 2L/day; men = 3L/day).
  • Drink only reverse osmosis (RO) or distilled water or use a Berkey water filter with added fluoride and arsenic filters. You must remineralize RO or distilled water before drinking (use mineral drops (e.g. Concentrace) or add a tea ball (cold water extraction) high in minerals (e.g. stinging nettle or a tea grown from volcanic soil), otherwise your body will leach minerals from your bones to re-mineralize the water.


  • 1-5 minutes a day of deep breathing (recommended app: Stop, Breathe, Think) to promote relaxation and relieve any underlying anxiety
  • Ensure adequate daily protein intake to stabilize blood sugar (0.8-1g per kg of lean body weight)
  • Switch from simple carbohydrates to complex carbohydrates (slows down the conversion of sugar to glucose) to maintain a more stable state of energy. Google simple and complex carbohydrates for a complete list.
  • Be aware of EMF. Keep your cell phone away from you and turn it off at night. Turn off all wireless signals at night or even better – only use cables for internet connectivity.

Be sure to consult your ND or MD as to whether any of the above suggestions are right for you.

CoQ10 With My Statin Drug?

Any cell that uses a lot of energy (has a lot of mitochondria) requires Co-Enzyme Q10 (AKA: ubiquinone). What cells use a lot of energy? Heart cells! (because they beat). Therefore, proper functioning of the heart requires a lot of CoQ10. Statin drugs block the production of C0Q10. Why? Because CoQ10 comes from a cholesterol pathway that statin drugs target. Not enough CoQ10 = bad news for the heart. So if you are taking a statin, you may want to consider also taking CoQ10… talk to your ND about CoQ10, CoQ10, CoQ10.